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Coaching for Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) involves organizing personnel and resources to facilitate, assist, maintain, and adapt local implementation and training. Coaching provides a systematic method for team sustainability and accountability. The school-based coaching functions are integrated into the duties of existing school personnel.


School-based coaches are expected to develop an in-depth understanding of the content and process of PBIS. Attending team and coaches trainings is essential to developing this understanding. School-based coaches may also want to engage in further study through resources accessible online, training materials, and the networks of trainers and other teams.

The school-based coaches ensure that PBIS is implemented in the school and that the steps to implementation of the critical elements of PBIS, as outlined in training, are adhered to throughout the process.

Coaching functions include providing technical assistance to team members, prompting the team to continue the process, and positively reinforcing the team throughout implementation. The school-based coaches will also manage presentations for staff, parents, and community members to inform them of the process and involve them in implementation where it is necessary, appropriate, and feasible.


The school-based coaches are the primary link between district coaches and the school-wide behavior leadership team.

School-based coaches share the team’s successes with the district, administration, parents, community members, and other interested groups or entities. The school-based coaches also facilitate the process of sharing challenges with school administrators and district coaches and in garnering support for implementation.


School-based coaches are active members of the school-wide behavior leadership team. They are responsible for completing and/or delegating the tasks related to managing the school-wide behavior leadership team and involving the entire building in creating the host environment necessary for sustaining PBIS.